Lize Alberts

Lize Alberts

Doctoral Candidate, Research Fellow

University of Oxford

Stellenbosch University


I am a DPhil candidate in Computer Science at the University of Oxford, focusing on constructive and respectful human-AI interaction. As Student Researcher at Google, I led a project on agentic LLM evaluation and personalised (context-sensitive) alignment. I am also a Research Fellow at Stellenbosch University’s Unit for the Ethics of Technology, and a Research Assistant at Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence at Cambridge .

With a unique multi-disciplinary background, I work at the intersection of computer science, user-centred design, empirical social scientific research, linguistics, philosophy, cognitive science, and behavioural science. By integrating these diverse perspectives—social, technical, conceptual, and theoretical—I work towards responsible AI development in ways that are practical, grounded, and analytically rigorous.

  • Human-Centred AI
  • LLM Evaluation & Alignment
  • Interaction/Behavioural Design Ethics
  • Cognitive & Computational linguistics
  • The Philosophy of Mind & Language
  • Wellbeing-Supportive Technologies
  • D.Phil. in Computer Science, finalising

    University of Oxford

  • M.A. by Thesis in Philosophy (Distinction, 84%), 2020

    Stellenbosch University

  • B.A. Hons. in Philosophy (Distinction, 82%), 2019

    Stellenbosch University

  • B.A. in Humanities (Distinction, 82%), 2018

    North-West University

Recent Publications

(2024). Designing for Sustained Motivation: A Review of Self-Determination Theory in Behaviour Change Technologies. Accepted at Interacting with Computers: Special Issue on Self-Determination Theory in HCI.


(2024). Beyond Interaction: Investigating the Appropriateness of Human-AI Assistant Relationships. Accepted at AAAI Conference on AI, Ethics, and Society (AIES).

(2024). Computers as Bad Social Actors: Dark and Anti-Patterns in Interfaces that Act Socially. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, Volume 8, Issue CSCW1, Article No. 202, pp 1–25.


(2024). The Ethics of Advanced AI Assistants. Google DeepMind.


Work & Organisational Experience

Royal Institution
Leader of Masterclass in Computer Science
March 2023 – Present Oxford, UK
I designed a Royal Institution Masterclass on Dark Patterns that I lead annually at the University of Oxford.
Student Researcher
July 2023 – October 2023 London, UK
I worked for three months as a student researcher in the Cerebra team at Google. I led a project on the evaluation of agentic Large Language Models (LLMs), and proposed a novel ethical framework centred on duties of respectful treatment in interaction.
Jesus College, The University of Oxford
Student Ambassador
April 2024 – June 2024 Oxford, UK
I was asked to design and lead a computer science workshop for Welsh state schoolchildren for Jesus College’s annual Women in Sciences Day.
University of Oxford
Graduate Research Assistant & Teaching Assistant
April 2020 – November 2022 Oxford, UK
I worked as an RA for the EPSRC-funded RoboTIPS project taking a Responsible Innovation approach to the research and development of social robots. I also helped teach two Software Engineering courses (Interaction Design, Requirements Engineering) and two Computer Science courses (Ethical Computing in Practice, Ethics and Responsible Innovation).
Responsible Technology Institute
Co-founder of RTI Student Network
November 2020 – January 2024 Oxford, UK
The RTI is an international centre of excellence on responsible technology. I co-founded its international student network connecting researchers interested in topics related to responsible innovation. I help to organise reading groups, expert panel discussions, and work-in-progress seminars.
Stellenbosch University
Lecturer & Teaching Assistant
February 2018 – July 2019 Stellenbosch, South Africa
I helped administer two Philosophy courses, gave frequent tutorials for first years and led a weekly seminar for a class of 80 third-years.
North-West University
Teaching Assistant & Seminar Leader
February 2015 – August 2017 Potchefstroom, South Africa
I helped administer several Philosophy and History of Art courses and led weekly seminars.

Recent Talks & Events


  • You can reach me at lize (dot) alberts @
  • Department of Computer Science, Wolfson Building, 7 Parks Road, Oxford, OX1 3QG